
Meal Planning Monday 25/05/20

I really don’t know where the weeks are going. Another lovely week with hot weather and it makes it that little bit easier when you can get outside instead of been stuck in the house. We stuck to our meal plan except Wednesday when I decided last minute we were having a BBQ instead, we only had burgers and hot dogs but really enjoyed it. The hubby and his mate started painted the front of our house too, looks so much brighter already with just one coat. Hubby has also had his start date for back to work which I’m a little sad about. I always will need to go food shopping at some point.

Happy Bank Holiday and half term holidays!

Click here for last weeks meal plan

Fakeaway Mcdonalds sausage, egg, bacon and hash brown wraps with chips

Chicken in white wine sauce

Pan fried pork with homemade wedges, apple & onion salsa on a bed of garlic spinach

Garlic & lemon salmon with sweet potato wedges and salad

Katsu Chicken with chips

Sausage Casserole with cheesy creamy mash potato

Roast dinner with all the trimmings

Have a great week all

5 thoughts on “Meal Planning Monday 25/05/20

  1. Ahh! You have to have a BBQ when the weather is nice. We’re planning on one this week.
    Great meal plan. I love the sound of your fakeaway McDonalds x

  2. You’ve been busy during lockdown, I’ve been a bit lazy!
    I love the sound of the salmon recipe, we need to get a bit more fish into our diet and this looks like the perfect recipe for fussy eaters!

  3. We have been having lots of BBQs, embracing the sunshine. I have never made a McDonalds’ meal at home, but I am tempted to try it.

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