
Meal Planning Monday 18/05/20

Another week gone. I decided to go food shopping last week, we didn’t need much as we have been picking thing up while out on our daily exercise but it was dead quiet when I went early morning to Aldi and Morrisons, no queues straight in and out again was bliss. Last week I took Freddie to my parents, yes we social distanced and played in the garden as I needed to pick up a few bits, they loved seeing him as haven’t for over 2 months and they are used to having him twice a week.

Click here for last weeks meal plan

Pork chops with dauphine potatoes and broccoli

Shepherds pie

Bacon & cheese potato skins with salad

Duck chow mein

Homemade pizza

BBQ (weather dependant)

Roast dinner with all the trimmings

Have a great week all!

4 thoughts on “Meal Planning Monday 18/05/20

  1. Well done with timing it right with the shopping and it sounds lovely that you got to see your parents.
    Fab meal plan. I keep thinking about having a BBQ but the weather hasn’t been that great. x

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