Another busy week for us. This week is the week my little boy start pre school nursery full time, the nice thing is we know it well as it is the school my mum used to work at and is only round the corner from our house.
I’ve got this morning off work then in the rest of the week as normal and have the joys of having fire Marshall training all day Tuesday. I’ve done it previously in other jobs so I know what happens.
Last minute our new hall floor was delivered and fitted last Tuesday so apart from the odd paint touch up our hall is finally finished and looking so much better than before.

Click here for last weeks meal plan
Lamb hotpot
Tuna pasta bake
Chicken curry, poppodoms & naan bread
Cheese & bacon quiche with savory rice & salad
Katsu chicken with boiled rice
Chicken and bacon gnocchi with cheese sauce
Roast dinner with all the trimmings
Have a great week!

Aww! Good luck to your boy starting pre nursery school.
Great meal plan! I keep meaning to make Katsu chicken but always forget about it. x