
Meal Planning Monday 22/02/21

End of the month again, I don’t even know what day it is half the time at the moment. Did everyone have a nice break from school work, we did, just would of been nice to actual of gone out and done something as a family, like a proper day out. I also completely forgot it was pancake day last Tuesday but thankfully had ingredients in to make some and they were delicious.

We were meant to be exchange on the house last week & complete this week but unfortunately due to issues at the top of the chain with the solicitors we didn’t and don’t know when that will be happening either.

Click here for last weeks meal plan

Faggots, mash potatoes and runner beans

Sausage casserole with creamy mash and vegetables


Chicken in white wine sauce with boiled rice

Jacket potatoes & salad

Salmon, new potatoes, vegetables & hollondaise sauce

Roast dinner with all the trimmings

Have a great week all!!

4 thoughts on “Meal Planning Monday 22/02/21

  1. The break from the home schooling was nice but we’re back to it now. Ugh. That is bad news about exchanging on the house. I hope it is sorted soon.
    Great meal plan. Fajita’s are our favourite. Enjoy x

  2. I hope that the issues are sorted out soon, this will be a distant memory before you know it!

    Thanks for linking up.

    Chicken in white wine sauce sounds delicious to me right about now!

  3. I hope you get sorted with your move soon. I haven’t had faggots for a very long time, in fact, I remember the kids liked them too..might have to try them again.

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