Over the last few years, with 2020 now been my 7th year, I have been picking money up off the floor, call it what you will. I started recording what I found back in 2014 just out of curiosity really, but whatever I found no matter how little would go into savings.
Am I a tramp for doing this? I don’t think personally I am, but each person has there own opinion and that is fine.
Whether it’s pennies, small change or even the odd occasion of a note I find, I pick it up, I don’t even hesitate if anyone is looking and put it straight in my pocket. I don’t care if people give me dirty looks as someone else would only pick it up if they were doing the same. I don’t class this as stealing either, as it is not like it is at a cash machine etc but just change that someone has either dropped or discarded because they don’t want the small change in their pocket.
I don’t even stop and think about if someone is looking at me when I do it, as I’m sure someone else would only do the same if they wanted too. I don’t see myself stopping either.
2014 -£45.24 – This was my biggest find so far
2015 – £5.74
2016 – £9.11
2017 – £20.14
2018 – £13.50
2019 – £17.38
2020 – £17.36
2021 – £5.81
I know it isn’t a lot of money over the 12 months, but that doesn’t matter to me and takes no effort to pick up.
What do I do with it at the end of each year?
It gets put into another pot ready to go into our savings accounts, as my moto is “Every penny counts” and helps towards something we may want to buy in the future.
Would love for you to leave your opinions on this and if this is something you would or wouldn’t do and why.
I agree If you don’t pick it up someone else will. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it at all
Is it your 5th year, 6th year or 7th year? You have said all three in one sentence.
I don’t do it especially at the moment with coronavirus being a problem. id feel too embarrassed to pick up pennies.