Last years Father’s Day wasn’t really one to remember or one we could celebrate properly. At least this year should be better.
A Father’s isn’t always blood related can be someone that has brought you up from birth, and always been there for you like a dad.
I struggle for ideas of what to get my dad so hopefully this will give you ideas and inspiration like it has me.
Aura’s Smart Digital Carver frame
Comes with features of : Large 10.1″ screen a crystal clear 19200×1200 224 pixel resolution and bonus of unlimited free photo storage.

With Aura’s Carver frame, you can share treasured memories with loved ones around the world on a stylish and easy-to-use device. The Carver photo frame the PERFECT gift, allowing friends and families to continue sharing their photos as we all adjust to life in the ‘new normal’ and as restrictions gradually ease.

Where to buy: Amazon or Aura Frames £149.00
Henry Bell – Sterling 3-in-1 Squirrel Proof Feeder
I love watching the birds come and feed in the garden but get fed up with the squirrels taking over and eating it all, but with this nifty squirrel proof feeder is great in preventing them from getting their little hands on the bird food.

Where to buy: Henry Bell £29.99
Black Insomnia Grounds (DARK)
We get through quite a lot of coffee in our household so this was greatly appreciated to receive for any Dad that loves a decent cup of coffee. Father’s Day for us wouldn’t be complete without coffee and this year we’ve discovered Black Insomnia. It’s a really strong coffee made using traditional barrel roasting techniques, it’s the perfect gift for early-starters, busy parents and workaholics. With ground coffee or beans, pods and coffee drip bags available, it’s one that any coffee lover should try.

Where to Buy: Black Insomnia £14.99
5-Pack Mens Copper Boxer Shorts
What man doesn’t like a new set of boxer on a special occasion? They are comforting self-cleaning underwear, anti-odour deowear zone, made with luxuriously Soft cotton and bamboo & perfect fit waistband to suit all.

Where to buy: Copper Clothing £49.95
Hampshire Cheese Company
Any cheese lovers dads? These cheeses you could add to a little gift set with some wine and chocolates to give as a gift.
The Tunworth is our very British, Camembert – a soft, white-rinded cheese reminiscent of its French cousin.
The Winslade is the sibling cheese for Tunworth. It has a soft spoonable texture and a rich buttery flavour.

Where to buy: Hampshire Cheese Company £8.45
Best Dad super shape balloons
We send cards on special occasions so why not balloons? I think balloons are a great gift for any occasion and what better than a father’s day one for that special man in your life.
We picked this one as Freddie’s Dad is a hard working man and he would love it from his little boy plus Freddie loves to help out whenever he’s doing jobs. Defiantly be using this company again for any future balloon requirements.

Where to buy: Send them balloons £32.95
Hope this gift guide has helped you out and that special man has been spoilt and has a great day whatever you’re up too.