Mainly, the coldest part of our house by far is the downstairs especially the lounge , it is always freezing no matter how high we turn the thermostat up. This is partly due to our windows been 30 plus years old, broken seals & hinges and also partly due to the wooden laminate flooring and the floor underneath not been a solid floor so the cold air just blows up through the floor.

So, after months of careful consideration and several quotes later we finally made our decision and found a company to use for all the windows to be replaced in the new year throughout the house. We have 8 windows in total which need replacing 2 of these are large bay windows which sit in the master bedroom and the lounge, one In the hall, one in the kitchen, two in the bedrooms and finally 2 small original wooden ones in the utility area. The hall & kitchen are the same size windows as are the two back bedrooms which is really useful when organising blinds or curtains afterwards.

The other things I dislike about our windows which I never knew, was they are externally beaded, meaning if someone wanted to gain access and had the time and equipment they could easily do so which is quite a scary thought by just popping this trim out and removing the glass. Due to the windows not working as efficiently as they should we have experience some damp issues which could lead to a much large problem if not rectified correctly.

In the utility we have two of the very original wooden single glazed windows. This room gets very cold due to these windows so will be nice having a warm room to do my washing in.
Watch this space for more updates coming soon on the progress and the completed works.
It sounds like they really do need replacing! Good luck. x