There can be a lot of contradictions around dieting and losing weight. Sometimes we are told you shouldn’t do something. Then we are told that you should do something. It can all be rather confusing! With summer coming up, a lot of us might be looking for a few ways that we can be a bit healthier and shift a few pounds. That bikini isn’t going to wear itself! So here are a few tried and tested steps that you can take, to ensure some weight loss this summer. There is no need to overcomplicate dieting.
Avoid Sugary Drinks
Sugary drinks are, funnily enough, full of sugar. As well as the ways that sugar affects your body, you need to think about the calories. There are sugar-free drinks but they are just full of chemicals. A good idea, if you like to have fizzy drinks, is to have sparkling water. You could flavour it with lemon or lime slices or even some citrus essential oil drops.
Have Green Smoothies
When people start a weight loss plan, they usually choose to make smoothies. This is a good option. However, it is much more likely to lead to weight loss if it is a green smoothie. If you have a smoothie that is purely fruit, it will contain a lot of sugar. This is better than eating a chocolate bar, as the sugar is natural, but not the best for a calorie controlled diet. One thing to do is to make sure that you add plenty of green leafy vegetables to the smoothie. Adding spinach or kale are fab additions. You can even add things like ginger, celery, and cucumber. They are lower in sugar than fruit and full of goodness. Smoothie only diet
Stop Smoking
Smoking isn’t good for your health, so if you want a healthier lifestyle, you need to avoid smoking. It can lead to many health issues so you’ll want to avoid it. It might not sound like a simple step to being healthier if you are a regular smoker. You don’t need to stop cold-turkey, though. There are many options to help you quit. You could try using patches or by vaping. It is a much safer alternative. You can even choose e-liquid from an e-liquid uk store, to make sure that you have a ‘flavour’ that will help you to quit.
Chew Your Food Slowly
One way that we overeat is because we eat our food so quickly. One way to make sure that we feel full, after having several bites, is by chewing slowly. This helps us to recognise the triggers of our body and will help us to stop when we are full. As a result, we will eat less, and shift a few pounds while we are at it.
Drink Lots of Water
A lot of diets have one thing in common; that is drinking a lot of water. Water helps to keep you feeling full, as well as helping your body to function as it should. It is a must for a healthier life and waistline!