I found this from the lovely Donna over at What the redhead said and thought if I could come up with my own 19 Aims? It a great way to get inspiration and help yourself out. So here goes:
- To build my blog up, schedule more posts, have more contents and manage it better overall. With going back to work full-time after maternity last year I have struggled to keep on top of everything.
- Keeping along the same line as point 1, I want to aim to build up my handcrafted card stationery business I have been making cards for a number of years now, and with making my own wedding invitations back in 2017, and a friend’s Wedding stationery in 2018 it made me realize how much I want to expand.
- One day maybe be able to be self employed and working for myself to be able to have more time at home with my family and more flexible working hours.
- I need to drink more water and will be aiming to just drink water aside from my several flasks of tea a day , I just forget to drink it.
- Now on to the health theme I’d love to lose weight this year. No, I will lose weight this year. I have tried for many years but never succeeded. I’m adamant to try to lose my baby weight as we’ve got two holidays abroad this year and want to feel confident in my bikini, but we’ll see how it goes!
- Exercise more, I walk every day to and from the train station but I want to try and do more such as running or general keep fit.
- I need to stop worrying and stressing about money, since going back to work after maternity leave and having nursery fees to pay on top of our household bills and mortgage, things can be a little tight each month and I do get stressed about it, and I need to stop as I know we will be OK and have the support of others.
- I have always had a passion for taking photos, but i’m not very good at getting a decent one. My aim would be to practice different angles and layouts instead of just a photo of the product against the same backgrounds in the same positions.
- I need to try and keep on top of the house work and keeping it clean and tidy, the house is never dirty but it always looks a mess which really frustrates me.
- Although we meal plan each week I want to aim to cook from scratch more often as it’s something I really miss. I made butternut squash soup the other weekend and I enjoyed it.
- Travel more – within reason, we never had a honeymoon but I want to make up for it now Freddie is getting older. I love visiting new places/countries and have got a few on my bucket list to visit.
- Spend more time together, as a married couple date nights are a very rare occasion but I want to try at least once a month to try and just go out just for a few hours whether for a meal, spa day, shopping just us 2.
- Read More, I do own a kindle but need to find some new books to read and i’ve read all of them.
- Do more as a family, days out even if its just a trip to the park. Doesn’t have to be expensive just to get us out the house.
- Have a scheduled day to go food shopping, at the moment I go when I feel like it, I don’t have a set day to go and the husband always moans at me and then we struggle to find meals to make.
- Try and put a set amount of money away in my savings account each month, no matter how small.
- Try and decorate the house from top to bottom and make it more modern to go with the new bathroom.
- I’ve realised that I use my phone a lot and it would be nice to use my phone less and concentrate on other things more.
- Stop relying on my family so much for simple tasks such as renewals of insurances, bills etc and do it myself…
Wow that was a lot harder than I thought it would be, but I made it. I will keep you posted on how I get on with achieving these.
Do you have any resolutions or aims for 2019? I’d love to hear about them to give me even more inspiration this year.