WOW! Well hello July, doesn’t seem like 5 minutes ago I was writing my first post at the beginning of June….crazy where the months are going. I can finally say though that on the 22nd it will be 12 months till my WEDDING DAY! So excited but nervous too.
Well these last few weeks have just flown by in a blur for me, coming out of hospital, working, Zoo review, friends wedding, Fathers Day then our holiday now were in July, suspose the saying is correct when they say “Time flies when your having fun”.
Lots of kindle books, while relaxing on the beach or by the pool on holiday for the last 10 days.
Football…. A lot of it at that!! I’m not a mad football person but I will watch England play, but unfortuantly we didn’t seem to do so well did we in the Euro’s and we were out very quickly. I have to say I did enjoy watching all the players running around on the pitch.
Well I don’t want to rub it in, but have lived in bikini’s and maxi dresses as I’ve spent the last 10 amazing day in the beautiful Spanish weather, reaching highs of 27- 30 degrees everyday. Take me back.
Also wore this new dress for my friends Wedding, I really struggle to find clothes especially dresses that I like. I had some lovely comments on it though so made me feel much better.
Don’t think it counts as properly made but BBQ we had one, one evening and it was amazing, I love a good BBQ. shame britain really doesn’t have the weather to have them. We had burgers, hotdogs, chicken kebab’s and jacket potatoes, with salad and it was delicious – I was truly stuffed after.
The EU referendum decision…and people opinions at the end of it. Can’t really say much more on this subject as I think it is a very sore matter at the moment for some people with the decision that was made.
And finally
It was back to reality this week after returning from an amazing 10 day holiday to the beautiful spainish country of Alicante, Spain.
Hope you have had a good week? Have a good weekend?