I haven’t done this sort of post before and I thought it would be a great way to share things about the person behind the blog that you probably wouldn’t find out otherwise. It’s basically an A-Z of all things me…
A is for Animals
As many of you will already know I have always had a mad love for animals and have grown up with a variety of different pets, Hamster, Fish, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs and now our Dog. You can read more about my Pets Here.
B is for Bridesmaids
The begining of the year me and My fiance finally set a date to tie the knot and get married. Then was the task of trying to decide who I wanted as Bridesmaids, after a long while of thinking I decided on, one of my best friends Zoe to be my maid of Honour, and a further 3 bridesmaids who were my other best friend Alexandra, My sister in Law Rachel & my Cousin Natalie. They were all so excited when I presented then with a little box with a little note in, a personalised glass and a bottle of prosecco to ask them, they didn’t have a clue.
C is for Card Making
For a number of years now I have been making handcrafted cards for all occasions. I make Baby Cards, Birthday Cards, Wedding Day cards and many more check out my cards and designs Here
D is for Dog
Most of our friends and family knows that last year me and my fiance rehomed a dog from a family friend who could no longer look after her. Her name is Carly and she is a 4 year old Rottweiler and is just beautiful and the biggest softest you will ever meet. All she ever wants is fuss and attention.
E is for Engaged
3 years ago me and my fiance got engaged and it was the happiest day of my life. It was our anniversary and we had gone away for the weekend. It was a complete shock but was amazing. You can read all about it here.
F is for Fiancee
2 years ago I was very surprised by my boyfriend when he popped the question whilst we were away for a weekend for our anniversary. We have been together 7 years and next year 2017 we are getting married. Ekkkk so excited.
G is for Garden
I have always loved gardening too, and since moving into our own house nearly 2 years ago our garden was plain, over grown and needed TLC so we have started adding some colour. Top photo is before, Bottom is after.
H is for Hospital
A few years ago I took myself to A&E after going over on my ankle whilst playing football in the park with my nephew, I found out I had a hairline fracture and was put in Plaster. My ankle has never been the same since.
I is for Inked
Another word for tattoos… Yes I have 2 one on my lower back and another on my foot. My lower back didn’t hurt but my foot did, quite bad.
J is for Jobs
I have had quite an array of jobs over the years including: A Paper round, Argos, Boots, Iceland, vet pratices and so many more… but am sticking within Admin now.
K is for Kimberley
I was christened with the name Kimberley but I much prefer to be called Kim, some of my friends and family call me Kim, Kimmie & Kimbo or even Kimbee but that’s fine by me as long as it’s not Kimberley.
L is for Little
As most people will know I am a bit of a short arse, just reaching 4ft 11″ tall. I don’t mind my height all the time but sometimes can be a struggle.
M is for Marriage
YES next year July 17 me and my Fiance Tom of 7 years will be tieing the knot. I am super excited and can’t wait but have got so much to organise and decide on.
The Never Ending Story was one of my childhood favourite films to watch of all times. My Grandma introducted it to me and I’ve watched it hundreds of time and will never get bored of watching it.
O is for October
For those of you that know me you know how super crazy October is with Birthdays, The months starts off with mine, my fiance’s, My sister in law Rachels, herfamilys. Fair to say it is a very expensive month all round but none stop partying and celebrating partner Graham’s, and our nephew. Then not forgetting more friends and . The best people were born in October!
P is for Pets
All my life I have loved animals and have had all sorted of differents pets, you can read all about them here
Q is for Quiz
Pub quizzes? Love them even if we never win. We’ve been to quite a few over the years with friends, they are great but have never won anything.
R is for Rabbits
As a child I always wanted a pet rabbit along with many other pets. Then one day a friend has a little black Rabbit who had been found as a stray at 3/4 weeks old with a poorly eye has he had been brought in my a cat they think. I then offered to rehome him and get him back to good health. I started with 1, then got a friend for Christmas, called Smudge, she sadly had to be put to sleep, I then rehome another female bunny called Pumkin, who a week after having her gave birth to little Autumn. Then Sadly Pumpkin died so Ive got just 2 rabbits left.
S is for Suits
Suits is a TV series me and my partner have been watching and has us hooked…If you haven’t heard of it or watched it, find it and watch it now you won’t be disappointed.
T is for Turkey
Last year me and my fiance went on holiday with one of my best friends and her Boyfriend to Turkey. It was absolutley scorching hot hitting highs of 40 degrees most days but was an amazing holiday.
U is for University
I always thought I wanted to go to university after leaving school to study but I never did, I don’t regret it but think I would of liked to now.
V is for Veterinary
When I was younger I always had the dream of becoming a veterinary nurse, so I went to college to train and gained experienced in a vet practice, but sadly decided it was not the right job for me. It was such a difficult job to deal with.
W is for Wales
As I was growing up my Grandparents had a house in Twywn, Wales, so every holiday I used to go over with my Mum, Dad and sister and all my cousins. I used to love going Rock pooling and walking along the beach and spent hours in the arcades playing on the 2p machines.
X is for X-Rays
This ties in with my hospital post a litte, as I’ve never had x rays before until I had a fracture in my right ankle then when I was diganosed with a knee issue to try and find out what was the problem.
Y is for Yankee Candles
I am in love with any candles but especially Yankee Candles, the fragrance etc is just amazing but they are very expensive so I tend to only treat myself when theres a sale on somewhere.
A few weeks back I was given the opportunity to go to Twycross zoo for a Blog review and have hands on experience feeding their 3 male giraffes that are fairly new, It was an incrediable experience and they are such amazing creatures. You can read all about my time at Twycross Zoo Here.