
Meal Planning Monday 25/02/19

Another week and nearing the end of another month.

I was solo parenting last weekend as the husband, his brother & their friend went off to Amsterdam for a music festival and then this weekend it’s my friends wedding on the Saturday and Freddie’s off to stay at the In laws.

I’m just counting down the days till our holiday to Spain now with my family especially as we are in double figures now.

This weeks I am cooking:

Pork chops with dauphinoise potatoes and vegetables

Cheese & bacon quiche with rice and salad

Jacket Potatoes with beans/cheese/Tuna Mayo

Garlic & rosemary grilled lamb chops, creamy mash, veg and gravy

Burgers & chips

Wedding Breakfast/Food

Roast dinner with all the trimmings

What are you cooking this week?

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