I am really struggling with meal ideas that are quick for when I get home from work as I’ve had to change my hours from 8am-4pm to 9am-5pm which is fine but by the time I get home I don’t really have much energy to do anything.
I’ve also put in to do my AAT qualification through work so waiting to hear if that has been approved or not.
Freddie has still got his chesty cough from the cold he had but hes doing ok and it’s not getting to him. Also had my nails done on Saturday which made me feel better with all this rubbish weather.

Click here for last weeks meal plan
Chicken Enchiladas
Spaghetti Bolognese with garlic bread
Gousto: Crispy Chicken wraps & chilli mayo
Battered fish & jacket potato with salad
Katsu Chicken with boiled rice
Sausage pasta
Roast dinner with all the trimmings
Have a great week all!
I hope you come up with some quick meals. I wouldn’t fancy starting to cook at that time either.
Great meal plan. Katsu Chicken is one of our favourites x
Good luck for your qualification – hope you can get it!
Your meals sounds lovely, hope you’re keeping well! x
Fingers crossed you can get your qualification these are some really nice meals even if they are quick meals they still sound really tasty