No matter the size of your garden, summer heat, humid falls, and unprepared soil leads to disease. By taking a few easy precautions, you can reduce your chances for garden diseases, ruining your plants, and destroying the quality of your soil.
Disease is a sneaky predator. It can sneak up on you. Unlike an insect problem, often the plants are past the planting stage, and on their way to maturing before you see any signs of garden disease. Preventative measures are much wiser than damage control.
We must prepare the soil to be receptive to what we plant. We must shield the garden from enemies who would choke the life from our harvest, and nurture the new buds of life that come forth.
We have compiled this list of tips that are effective with any garden. From herb gardens to winter veggies, these tips will always be useful.
- You need a garden location that has good drainage and proper sun exposure. Sunlight is critical to keep away disease. Be sure to map out your garden ahead of time and determine the hours of direct sunlight your site will receive
- Use high-quality seeds. Your garden is only going to be as healthy as the seeds you plant.
- Rotate your plants. Do some research on what to plant where. Planting the same types of plants year after year will strip away nutrients from the soil.
- Do not leave remains from your previous plants. Till the soil well. Remove debris that is left behind. Once it is turned well and clean, add compost to regenerate nutrients before you plant again.
- Make sure you follow the instructions on your seed packages. Allow your plant’s ample room to grow. This also helps you keeps weeds away which will choke your plants.
- If possible, use drip irrigation. If that is impossible, limit overhead watering as much as possible. Be careful not to overwater the plants.
- Do not overwater the plants and limit the overhead watering as much as possible (Drip irrigation is best.)
Swap the locations of your flower garden with your vegetable garden. This gives the soil a break, and veggies can grow well into the colder months. There is nothing healthier than fresh veggies.
The great thing about herb gardens is they can grow anywhere. Hang them from your fence or grow them in a raised bed or sunroom. The herbs taste great, are easy to grow, and thrive until first frost or longer if you take them inside on cold nights. Here are a few you should consider:
- Parsley
- Sage.
- Rosemary.
- Thyme.
- Cilantro.
- Lavender.
- Mint.
- Chives.
Gardening is a great way to spend your time. It is refreshing and peaceful. Watching something that you started with soil and seed grow into something that enriches your diet or makes great gifts for family and friends is a wonderful feeling. Many people find this therapeutic. The quiet of nature and watching it burst to life in front of you is magical. Get started now. Spring is just around the corner.