
Lifestyle Changes To Boost Your Health And Wellbeing

If 2020 has taught us anything so far, it’s the importance of health and wellbeing and the value of staying connected. If you’ve decided that it’s time to start putting your health first, it’s beneficial to think about how your lifestyle is impacting your physical and mental health. Here are some changes you may want to consider to give your wellbeing a boost. 

Being more active

Research suggests that over a third of UK adults are inactive. Inactivity is a major risk factor for life-threatening illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. If you don’t regularly hit the target of 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, now is the time to start upping your activity levels and moving your body more. You don’t have to make drastic changes overnight or become a gym bunny. There are myriad activities you can try, and making simple changes will make a difference. Many people find that wearing an activity tracker encourages them to exercise more, and it’s also a good idea to factor in physical activities during the evenings and weekends if you work. Squeezing in an online yoga class or walking the dog before or after work or going for a bike ride with the kids will help you burn calories, increase your fitness and feel great. Exercise is a natural stress-buster, it reduces anxiety and it can also help you sleep.

Quitting smoking

Smoking affects almost every organ and system in the body. If you’ve been smoking for a long time, or you smoke a lot, it can be very challenging to give up, but there are effective ways to improve your chances of quitting. Vaping has become increasingly popular in recent years, and many people also find that nicotine replacement therapy helps. For more information about vaping and vaping products, take a look at sites like vape-hedz.co.uk and do some research online using reputable resources. Ask your doctor about treatments and support measures that are available to you. Group support might be beneficial, and you may also find that talking to a stop smoking adviser helps. Adapting your routine and your social activities can also make quitting easier, especially if you only tend to smoke when you’re with certain people. 

Monitoring drinking

Do you know how many units of alcohol you consume in an average week? If you drink frequently, or you binge drink, it’s very easy to lose track. A couple of glasses of wine with dinner, or a few drinks after work twice a week can soon add up, and you might be drinking more than you think. Keeping a diary or using an app will help you monitor your consumption. If you are drinking more than the recommended weekly intake of 14 units, try and reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. Aim to keep most nights alcohol-free, alternate alcoholic beverages with a soft drink and pour yourself smaller drinks. If you’re worried about how much you drink, and you’re finding it hard to cut down, don’t hesitate to reach out to your GP. To learn more about units, take a look at this helpful article https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/for-your-body/drink-less/know-your-alcohol-units/.

Many of us are thinking about our health and wellbeing more. If you’re keen to make changes to your lifestyle, hopefully, this guide will help you make a positive start.

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