A boring week over here nothing really to report, posted a load of orders on Friday night at the post office, £30 for everything including one item I sold on eBay.
Our vendors have finally found a house and the chain stops there so fingers crossed we could be completed and exchanged in-time for January and to start a fresh New year in a new house – so exciting!!
We are also planning on putting our Christmas decorations up this weekend. Have you got yours up?
Hope you’ve all had a good week?

Click here for last weeks meal plan
Katsu chicken with chips
Lasagna & garlic bread
Jacket potatoes with salad
Sausage casserole with creamy mash potato
Chicken in red wine sauce with boiled rice
Roast dinner with all the trimmings
Have a great week all!
Good luck with the house sale. I hope it all goes through smoothly.
I love the sound of your meal plan. The casserole sounds perfect for the weather we’re having x
Very exciting house news! Good luck for a smooth process.
Great meal plan, that casserole sounds SO good!