Bit late in posting this but here are our plans for what we would like to do to our house this year. I found this post from Life As Kim’s Blog so thought I would do one too.
We have lived in our house for 6 years this year and other than decorating it before we moved in we haven’t really touched it and it is now showing slightly, so this year we have said we will try and do as much as we can on a minimal budget as would like to move in the next couple of years.
Front of the house. We are in the process of getting quotes for a porch to be added, we currently have a little one but its not very waterproof, it is rotten and falling apart. We would like to extend the existing one creating a new one and join it up with next doors so we have a bit of extra space to put the shoe rack out the hall, coats rack etc but not to clutter it up. This may also not happen depending on the cost of it and if it is worth it for the length of time we may stay here for.
The Hall, stairs and landing. Mainly a lick of paint all over, it is currently magnolia and were not sure if we are keeping it this colour but it is light and opens up the space well. We would like to put new flooring down in the hall and also move the radiator from the wall it’s on to the back wall as it is right next to the front door which is a bit irritating when trying to get in and out the house. Also thinking about changing the way the front door opens as it opens a bit oddly and is restricted.

The living room. It is currently browns and creams with a feature wall. I like it but the husband has started to go off it now. Currently having laminate flooring but I would like carpet to be put down as the floor gets extremely cold with the draft blowing up, but with a dog and toddler would that be a bad idea? May need to think about replacing sofa’s soon too eventually as they are getting uncomfortable.
The Kitchen/dining room. We need new laminate floor in here as it is all lifting, needs a lick of paint and the cupboard doors needs repairing as they are dropping. We would love to add a feature wall but can’t decide what will go best or on which wall. I love the brick style paper but we can’t find anything to match with our tiles as they are country cottage style tiles but lift the kitchen as it is all brown cabinets.
Mine & Tom’s bedroom. I love our room, nothing really needs doing, we have gone for cream and turquoise colours and it still looks like new. We recently put a metal curtain pole up but have swapped it for a plastic one as it didn’t fit properly in the bay window as it’s a funny shape.
The Bathroom
Our bathroom was renovated just over 2 years ago now so is in perfect condition, maybe the ceiling could do with a fresh lick of white paint because with it been tiled floor to ceiling nothing else is necessary and still looks brand new.
The Garage.
This is mainly used as a dumping ground, it is concrete built shell with a metal corrugated roof and potential of asbestos in it too but its useful. It’s where all the garden furniture is stored, my rabbit’s are housed in the winter to stay dry and things that maybe need to go tip. We could probably use it in better ways but don’t.
Back Garden.
The whole house at the back could do with painting since the windows have been replaced, we need the odd bit of rendering done. We need to sort the lawn and patio out as it is all uneven and the steps are very high, plus since the storms we need some new fences but it’s all mainly cosmetic and can take our time, luckily our neighbour the one side is lovely so understands we don’t have much free time other than weekends. Our grass is a nightmare to maintain with a dog and the urine burns, so in the winter it’s a mud patch and summer its all dead.

Have you got any DIY plans for this year?
I did a post like this earlier in the year and it is such a fab idea to list everything. It gives you more of a reason to get it done.
It sounds like you have some great plans. x
Yes, this is where I got the inspiration from as I was running short of ideas on my blog, so thank you. I thought I tagged you in it so will do it now. x