Last week was a funny old week, with starting the week off at work then been told not to go in after Boris’s speech, which I totally get. With been an accounts assistant there is only so much work you can do from home as we have payment runs to do weekly etc which requires us to be in the office, then finishing off the week on furlough leave until further notice. We will get through this and hopefully now people will start to take the whole situation a little bit more seriously. I just want some normality back in my life.
Unfortunately I don’t have a very big freezer so we will have to go shopping at some point but it won’t be unless we have to as i’m sure we can make use of the stuff we have for now and as the saying goes make the best out of a bad situation. I will try and forward plan as much as I can.

Click here for last weeks meal plan
Tuna pasta bake
Garlic & herb crusted lamb steaks with dauphinoise potatoes and vegetables
Shepherds pie
Sausage casserole
Chicken thigh burgers with chips and hash browns
Chicken pot pie with vegetables and gravy
Roast dinner with all the trimmings
Stay safe everyone!
Sounds like you’re going to be eating well this week!
Thanks for linking up and take care x
Sounds a lovely week and you have pasta that is something we are missing hahaha. Good luck with the shop x
I hope you are managing with being off work. My fella has been furloughed too and I think we’ll be OK.
Great meal plan x