
Meal Planning Monday 24/06/19

How are we even at the end of June? This month has just gone in a blink of an eye. Two weeks today and my little boy will be turning 2.  Where has my baby gone?

Glad last week is out the way as we had a lot of rain but did managed to get in my garden a couple of times in the week and put some plants in that my mum treated me too.

This weeks Meal Planning Monday consists of:

Sausage, creamy mash, onion gravy and vegetables

Chicken in white wine sauce and basmati rice

Burritos and salad

Jacket Potatoes with tuna/mayo and cheese/beans and salad

Beef Stir Fry

Chicken goujons baguettes with salad and chips

Roast Dinner with all the trimmings

3 thoughts on “Meal Planning Monday 24/06/19

  1. I’m sure once we have children that the time just goes faster and faster until suddenly they’re leaving home!

    Sounds like you’ve got a delicious week of meals planned. Thanks for linking up!

  2. Yummy foods! I love the sound of the burritos.
    Hope the pace slows down a bit more so we can all stop and smell the roses, so to speak.
    Have a fab week ahead.

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