I completely forgot last weeks meal plan some how, to be fair most days are merging into one anyways so loosing track. The weather has been beautiful up till last Tuesday when it started raining, just so glad we have had nice weather because it has at least kept peoples spirits up and we’ve been able to get out and about. Freddie has loved going to the park, keeping social distancing, feeding the duck and been about to run around and hunting for the gruffalo in the woods.
Hope you’ve have a good week?

Click here for previous meal plan
Pukka pie, mash potato, vegetables and gravy
Cream chicken tagilettle
Shepherds Pie
Southern fried chicken pieces, chips and beans
Lamb casserole with dumplings
Roast dinner with all the trimmings
Sounds like you’re going to be eating really well this week!
I hope you’re keeping well.
That all sounds lovely – the lemon & garlic salmon particularly appeals:)
Some really lovely meals. Making me hungry. That salmon looks amazing. We are big fans.