
Troublesome Cleaning Task Times Cut In Half!

You know they say that clever people work smarter and not harder, and there is no better place to put that to the test that in cleaning the home. As it can certainly feel like it takes up way more time and energy than you are prepared to give it. So, below you will find some practical tips on keeping your home cleaner in a smarter way. Read on to find out more.


Who loves to spend their precious Saturday afternoon scrubbing and vacuuming the carpets to make sure they look their best? No? Didn’t think so!  

That time is much better spent catching up with family, or friends over a nice cup of coffee. Or snuggling with your significant other on the sofa and watching that film you’ve been meaning to see for ages.

Vacuum Cleaner, Carpet Cleaner, Housework, Housekeeping

So, let’s learn how we can free some of that time up for you to do just that. First of all the type and colour of carpet that you pick makes a massive difference on how easy it is to keep it clean.

Light carpets may be in fashion, but if you do go for cream or white, then make sure you that you get one that is guaranteed as washable because there will be a spill or mark on it sooner or later.

Or, if yours already has a few stains that just won’t come out no matter how hard you scrub, then why not use this neat trick? Use a water and vinegar solution on the stain, then place a towel over the top of it, and iron on the steam setting. This should make the towel absorb the stain leaving your carpet gorgeously clean in no time.  


White Bathtub on White Tile Bathroom Near Brown Framed Clear Glass Window

Another intensive cleaning task in the home that most people would like to take less time on is cleaning the bathroom.

Remember that the bath and should be rinsed out after every use, to stop it accumulating in tide marks. Then when you come to give it a proper clean, you don’t have so much scrubbing to do so it won’t take as long.  

Shower curtains should also be spread out to air to avoid mildew. Or replace them altogether with glass shower screens instead. Of course, you will need to clean shower screens too, but you can do that in two ticks, by using spray that repels the water. Then you will have way less soap scum and watermarks to deal with.

Skirting boards

Everybody loves to clean their skirting boards right? It’s so much fun. OK, so it’s actually not much fun at all, but it’s another one of those jobs that just needs to be done!

But instead of getting on your hands and knees and your very tippy toes to reach all of your skirting, why not get something like a feather duster or board buddy instead?

Brush, Cleaner, Cleaning, Cute, Duster, Feather, Female

These are extendable tools, with a pad at the end, shaped for skirting. So it will get into all the crevices and creases, meaning you can keep your board cleans with a lot less effort and time.

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