
Heart Shaped Box: Wow Guests At Your Valentine’s Day Wedding

When you’re getting married on the most romantic day of the year, you’ll want your celebrations to be that little bit extra special. After, all February 14th is a day to honour love in all its forms from sending love letters, arranging little surprises and even just telling that special someone just why you’re so happy they’re in your life.

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Share Your Own Love Story

Forget the classic fairy tales and create your own love story, pulling inspiration from where you met, who said ‘I love you’ first, pictures of your first holiday together and, of course, how they proposed. You don’t have to ram this down guests throats just scatter little details here and there, photos of you two growing up near the ceremony room, funny things you like about each other dotted around and, if you love getting stuck into a project, a video montage. Try to have a receiving line, as although they may seem old fashioned it’s a quick, easy way to say hello to all your honored guests in case you don’t have time to get round all the tables later.

Create Romantic Spaces

During your cocktail hour, or while the bridal party’s having their photos taken outside let guests cuddle up with cashmere blankets, cozy throws and faux-fur cushions and light plenty of candles to create an intimate, glowing atmosphere. The lounge area is also a great place to include photos of previous family weddings and loved ones who have passed away. Your signature cocktail could be a fizzy pink cosmopolitan scattered with edible glitter, a ruby red spiced merlot or a delicious sharp yet sweet vodka and cranberry cooler. Don’t be afraid to add hints of pink, red and even peach by serving tiny fruit eclairs, strawberries dipped in chocolate or mini cherry tarts.

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Serve Up Sweet Treats

One of the trickier things to get right at a wedding are the table favours as it can be hard to find a small gift that’s thoughtful yet not cheap. As it’s Valentine’s Day why not treat your guests to something sweet and order handmade chocolates, personalised love hearts, or even candy kisses? Wedding Hire companies even offer bespoke candy, popcorn and crisp carts as well as a favour service that’ll have packaged; individual favours arrive in advance ready to be popped onto tables without you having tied a single bow. Continue your sugary theme into dessert by having tables of puddings instead of a single one and decorate the wedding cake with tiny edible hearts, a red bow and hide red velvet sponge inside.

Let The Flowers Do The Talking

Did you know flowers even have their own language? Choose blooms that represent the vows you’re about to make like carnations for pure love, roses mean bridal love, orange blossom stands for marriage and eternal love and orchids represent love and beauty, although in Chinese mythology orchids are also supposed to bring high fertility. Whatever flowers you choose they’ll need to be prepared a day, or two days before as well as having the wedding wow factor so do look at your florist’s previous work beforehand. If they seem inexperienced or it’s too expensive feel free to look elsewhere.


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