Most people love to start their day with a refreshing and revitalizing cup of coffee. But, with coffee shops charging a premium for even the most basic of drinks, it’s a wonder that anyone can actually afford to drink at these places. It’s even more confusing that people go into these shops at all when […]
Month: December 2016
Getting More Wedding For Your Money
Weddings can be expensive, there is no getting around it. But it is possible to save significant amounts of money if you go about it in a clever way. In fact, you can get a fantastic wedding without cutting corners, that doesn’t break the bank. Read on to find out how. Pick Your Date Carefully […]
How To Build A Bar In Your Home
If there was just one place you could bring closer to your home, what would it be? Chances are, a bar is pretty up there. Not only would you not have to leave your house to go to it, but you don’t have to worry about how you’ll get home – because you’re already there. […]
Transform Your Home Into a Relaxing Haven
Home is the place we should feel the most comfortable. Kicking off your shoes after a long day and lounging on the sofa, or curling up in bed with a hot drink is absolute bliss. But to truly be a relaxing haven, there are a few changes you can make around the home to make […]
Surprise Your Children With Fun In The Snow
There’s nothing quite so magical as snow in the winter. Snow brings out the child in all of us, and the children go mad for it. Snow days from school are the best fun most children can have. There are ways you can make snow even more exciting for your children. Snow days offer plenty […]
Hacks To Bring Down The Cost of Your Home Insurance
Whether you own your home or rent, it’s always advisable to have contents insurance. In the result of a break-in, a natural disaster such as a flood or criminal damage such as arson, it means that the cost of your possessions are covered. You can even insure yourself against accidental damage, for example, if you […]
Signs To Keep An Eye Out For On Your Senior Dog
Just like humans, as dog’s age, they become more prone to illnesses and certain conditions. Genetics, nutrition, and environmental factors all play a role in how fast your dog ages. So it’s not ‘one size fits all’ care when it comes to senior dogs. Here are a few signs and symptoms to watch out for […]