Another week has passed us by, quite scary how quickly these weeks are flying past us. We had a lovely weekend, hubby was working Saturday so I popped to my parents and then went to see my cousin, then Sunday we went and got Freddie’s nursery school uniform for when he starts next Month. We also went food shopping Sunday at Morrison’s and spent over £100 and we only had a little trolley *Hand over face* this is why I usually shop at Aldi.

Click here for last week’s meal plan
Roast lamb dinner with all the trimmings
Chicken in red wine sauce with mash potato
Tuna pasta bake
Duck chow mein with egg noodles
Omelette with salad
Crispy pancakes, mash potato, cheese sauce and vegetables
Spaghetti Bolognese

It’s so easily done in the supermarket isn’t it!
Your meals sounds lovely. Have a great weekend and thanks for linking up!