
Finding The Dream Animal Companion For Your Family

There are a number of different names that this dog has come to be known by. This includes Chuksha, Chukcha, Arctic Husky, Sibe, and simply Husky. As their name indicates, they come from Eastern Siberia. Here, the Chukchi used them as sleigh dogs. 

Benefits of owning a Siberian Husky dog

There are a number of different benefits that are associated with the Siberian Husky dog breed. Siberian Husky dogs are social by nature. So long as they have been well socialised, they are going to get along with other dogs just fine. They also do not have that typical ‘doggy’ smell about them, which is great news for your home! These dogs are also very forgiving, as they have an easy-going and laid-back nature.

Siberian Husky dogs are very intelligent but this can also mean that they are naughty too. They do not get stressed out when they are in new environments, as they are highly adaptable. They are playful throughout their lives and they love company. This means that they are very friendly with people, including children. They live a long life, between 12 and 15 years, and there are compassionate pet cremation services for when the time does come to say goodbye to your fluffy friend.

Negatives of owning a Siberian Husky dog

As is the case with owning any pet, there are some negatives you need to be aware of as well. Siberian Husky dogs tend to have a sensitivity to certain medications and drugs. They also moult heavily throughout the year. This is especially the case during autumn and spring. They can find it hard to digest a lot of cereals, so you need to be careful when it comes to their diet. Plus, they are known to trash gardens and cause mayhem, so you are going to need to make sure your garden and homes are secure too, as they will try to escape.

Aside from this, your Siberian Husky is likely to experience separation anxiety. If you leave this type of dog on its own for too long in your house, you can come back to find destruction. These dogs also need a lot of exercise and this must be on the lead. They will howl for the sake of it but they are not known to bark. Being independent thinkers, they are not known to be obedient as well.

Your Siberian Husky cannot be trusted around any livestock or animal. They have an extremely high prey drive, which is not possible to curb. They love everyone, which means they are not very loyal. Because of this, they are also not good prey dogs, as they love everyone they meet. When you consider all of these challenges, it is not hard to see why this dog breed does not come recommended for first-time owners. 

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